Monday, April 2, 2007

a realli boring dae with mistakes..

woke up todae as usual at 2+..because nt working cn sleep late..ha..lazy person arent i?
wanted to go to J8 for a gd dae remembered tht i ve bkstore ministry mting for Easter dae ..signt..realli wanna go anyway God 1st in my life..(4give me Lord that i don wanna serve)

anyway stori goes on..when i rch bkstore HQ..i was actually told by my group leader tht she sms e wrong person..what a headache..well forgive your bro as Jesus forgives you..anway i don blame her at all hahas..

well anyway since it was stil earli (7+) i decide to go 4 shopping...i ended up shop at e nearest mall near my house..AMK i ve onli bn there few days realli sick of tht place too..2nd and 3rd floor was newly renovated and opened so i went up there and found many things i love bt didnt buy cos they r unnessary stuff..

after shoppin was stil earli (10+) so i ended up surfing e net checking my email at e cyber cafe near my i ended up creating this Blog b'cos after reading my frds blog i found realli fun to ve here goes my 1st blog and 1st msg..

heres all frm me 4 nw as i cant think of anything 4 nw..lve u a msg sometimes..


Charles Foo said...

Great to forgive others... you are such a nice person. Mistakes are things that makes us grow. Keep up your blog... you are doing great!

Anonymous said...

haha.. nice.. i was long to see your blog..
keep it up sis..
i add your link in my blog..
Have a nice day..

Anonymous said...
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.S.U.M.E.I. said...

=) i have link you