Tuesday, April 10, 2007

a few daes of happenings..

Halo guys:

bn such a long while since i update my blog..realli ve no time 4 online surfing..so sori ve to let u guys wait..:( Anyway here i am again to update u guys on what ve bn in my life..some r funni, some r boring, some r spiritual...

Fri 6/4/07

bn looking 4ward for this dae..so excited tht Easter is here and i knoe wonderful dramas and services r inwait for me at expo..also what is realli exciting is it is exactly Gd Fridae when we celebrate!! Halehluja..

e dae started out goin to expo for bkstore ministry realli earli..rch at 1+..e nxt few hours was spent preparing for e start of the Easter night..we had much supporting duty stuff to do..arranged a friend to come for Easter celebration..i was so excited i kept asking my ministry leader what time can i leave so tht i can go fetch my frd..in e end she got so impatient with me..so sorry Sam..for bothering u so much...:(

anyway i ended up bringing my frd in 4 for service around 4:55pm..thks to Zhenghao for giving Prashant & me a seat behind e cg so tht we nvr sit far frm e cg..bt poor Guna..he ended up giving up his seats for us and ended up sitting furthur away frm us..

Realli Praise the Lord for touching Prashant tht night..Guess what Prashant received Christ...i guess tht he will always remember tht his salvation dae was on a Good Friday itself..so easi to remember ha...after svc..as i ve ministry to continue..i left Prashant to my beloved cg members..realli thank you guys..he mention he loved our cg and he will be back...

Sat 7/4/07

Todae i woke up in such a hurry as i were alreadi late for svc...i ve no ministry todae so i can join my cg 4 fellowship..hurreh...!! Special thks to Kok Koon for coming out to bring me to my seat :)

Forgive me for being so unspiritual bt todae svc was so bor..ring and it made me wan to snore..e svc was bilingual..mix chinese and eng..i gt such a headache as i listen to e sermon..i juz cant stand hearing both chinese and english at e same time..bt thk God e drama was good and many souls were saved..

after svc went to e carnival 4 fellowship..had such fun there..wan to get a balloon it was out..sobz..:(

Sun 8/4/07

woke up feeling realli excited todae was there was a bbq party in honour of our bdae cgl boy Johnson..

met up with Guna 1st for a small fellowship to get a bdae present 4 our bdae boy..shall nt write here what it is..ha..anyway we went to see other choices of present too and ended up being late for e party..plus nt to say when i rch e mrt station i had no idea hw to get to tht place..after rching tht place i had no idea again which way to e pit..realli muddle head me..

after asking don knoe how many pple e way to e pit i finally found it..thk God..i was realli tired and sweaty upon rching e place..hid e present behind my back frm e bdae boy to prevent him frm seeing..

After much bbq, eatin, drinking, laughing and talking finally it's e time we celebrate Johnson's bdae..it began with e usual blow candles, wish, bdae song...after tht it's SABOH TIME!!! Most of us r waiting 4 this moment as i found out later..Poor Johnson..e bros caught him and tiied his hands and legs up and lift him up an 'altar' to 'sacrifice'...see him like this realli cant 'ren xin'..bt it's his bdae no choice ha..taken a pic of him in tht time for remembrance..

e fun sabohing time is over in a short while and we r back to ourselves carryin on with activities..it was fun...i even spent a short while by myself sitting upon a rock to medicate on my life and what should i do..come to say of it, it's realli nice to being alone sometimes..what do u guys think?

Anyway had also a long wise talk with our bdae boy on what should i realli do abt my life...muz realli set my mind to do what priordise 1st..

well guys here i am goin to stop entry as i feel tired...bt feel free to drop comments whenever u r free..see u guys soon..

with all my love,