Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Song Poem..

Halo guys:

here's something for you...it's a song poem specially dedicated to all those who are still waiting for their destined ones...May u all find your dream Prince or Princess soon...:

A Love Song
My love, i am waitin for you
I know you are somewhere on this Earth
Waiting for me too
This is a love letter written just for you
Though we have yet to meet
But my heart knows that day will come
When the day comes
i will gaze into your eyes
And i will knoe that you are God sent
I love you so much, i love you all my days
Even now, while waiting for you patiently
Every single day, i pray for you
Pray that you will always be safe
Blessed by God, always the Head and not the Tail
Pray that you will keep your heart
Just for me to conquer
I long for the day i am with you
it will be beautiful
i will hold you by the hand
And together we will serve the Lord till the end of time
Every night, i serenade a sweeter song for you
i will always be faithful to you
i keep my heart pure just for you
you are a gift from Heaven
Darling, i am waiting for you
How long? How long shall i wait for you?
I am always here waiting for you, no matter what
our romance shall be a love story written by God
And he will delight in it, always
Darling, i love you so much, i love you all my days
Even now, while waiting for you patiently
This is my love letter for you